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Do most Russians support the Russian invasion of Ukraine?


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Grisha “Zyu” Zyuganov sold out to oligarchs way back in 1996 in the wake of the presidential elections that he and his communist party stood to win and oligarchs were terrified to lose their assets.

Yeltsin “defeated” Zyu in the elections, and ever since, Zyu has been a faithful dog of the oligarchs and then of Putin. Yesterday, Zyu was asked to take one for the team.

Zue announced at an improvised press conference at the State Duma that special military operation is actually a war and to win in this war against NATO “we must conduct general mobilisation.”

Politicians have been jailed for calling special military operation a war, and clearly Zyu was granted permission from the head of FSB, Bortnikov, therefore the directive came from the very top.

Putin wanna know how many more Russian men he can kill and get away with it.

Zyu’s electorate are sixty-seventy year old pensioners who miraculously haven’t died from vodka intoxication yet. The plan was to get them inspired by their spiritual leader’s speech to demand from their sons and grandsons to go kill Urkonazis that are about to invade Mother Russia.

In parallel to that, Chechen warlord Kadyrov criticised Russian Armed Forces command and requested general mobilisation. He would love to legally kill as many ethnic Russians as he can to avenge two Chechen Wars, in which his father Akhmat and he had fought.

Putin knows it and uses Kadyrov’s private army, nominally a National Guard battalion, as barrier troops in Kherson Oblast and elsewhere in Ukraine to shoot Russian soldiers and officers who turn back and run.

The calls for mobilisation were specifically made to gauge public opinion about the idea of mobilisation.

The Russian elites that are supposed to serve the people, but in fact are self-serving, know next to nothing about them.

The chasm between the rulers and the ruled is a long-standing Russian tradition. As a result, the elites often take Russians off guard by suddenly launching wars in which they’re supposed to particulate, and likewise the elites get surprise of their lives when the plebs whom they viewed as docile cattle suddenly revolt and conduct lighting revolution.

Putin’s hold on power rests on prolonging war in Ukraine indefinitely. He believes he has Crimea Consensus with his subjects: “you don’t have indoor plumbing and your fridge is empty but that’s the price to pay for Holy Crimea.” When Ukraine liberates Crimea, the elites will feel emboldened enough to topple Putin.

Putin wouldn’t mind shoving ten or twenty million Russian men into the meat grinder in Ukraine. If he could he would build a ramp made of corpses from Belgorod to Kyiv and then have Kadyrov henchmen force conscripts to march over to take out decision making centres.

Problem is he can’t do it.

Russians support brave army in Ukraine from their coaches. They are not keen on losing limbs or lives over Hitler 2’s wet dreams. A mere glance at comments under Zyu’s video with his call for mobilisation proves that beyond any shadow of doubt. They can be summed up like this:

“Putin, the deal was ‘we let you steal all you want, but you leave us alone.” Go fix problems with your Western masters by yourself.”

In the meantime, Armed Forces commanders refuse to send more troops to Ukraine. Twelve out of fifteen armies are already fighting in the special military operation, and if they do not stop with feeding the war machine, soon there won’t be any armed forces left.

Generals are walking thin line. FSB (former KGB) have kompromat (compromising material) on each of them. Normally, it’s the usual mixed bag of taking bribes, embezzlement, using conscripts to build their mansions and dachas, kinky sex, sex with underage prostitutes.

Intelligence service top brass do not want to blackmail them with kompromat lest they sabotage operations in Urkaine. And it is believed that’s what they did in Kharkiv Oblast, didn't prepare for a counteroffensive, didn’t put up a fight and just let their troops run.

According to Sergey Ovechkin, founder of Gulagu Net, who discovered the system of torture and sexual abuse in Russian penal colonies, claims that FSB have kompromat on combat officers, too. Those who refuse to shell apartment blocks, hospitals, power stations and such indiscriminately in Ukraine are shown their file sufficient to court marshal them.

And it’s not just jail for them. In prison, officers would be going through the conveyor belt of torture - broomsticks inserted into their colon while cameras recording the abuse to show their families including little children.

In his last interview, Ovechkin talked about cases when prisoners who continued to refuse to cooperate were killed this way by driving the stick into their abdomen.

According to General SVR Telegram channel, Putin floated the idea of partial mobilisation in the war front areas - Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk, Kaliningrad to stock up on cannon fodder. FSB chief Bortnikov said that his agency is ill-equipped to conduct recruitment. Translation: my officers won’t chase after running and hiding young men who don’t want to be sent to war.

“Let the police and National Guard do it.” National Guard are the riot police that beat up young men and women during the protests and rallies.

Tasking them with dragging the same youth to war is an open invitation to riots. Cops are useless - they provide protection racket to small businesses, fleece drivers and wanna be drivers, and spend much of their time in saunas.

Another issue is that more than half of instructors to prepare recruits for warfare either died or got wounded in Ukraine. The new instructors that are graduating this year from military colleges are not taken seriously.

With sabotaging generals and less than eager male populace, Putin is left with recruiting private armies.

Governors were requested to recruit battalions of cucumbers (cannon fodder) but are not particularly successful in their endeavour as they lie to the recruits about keeping their jobs for their return. They give potential recruits hope of making it alive while only the laziest do not know that one is unlikely to get out of Ukraine in one piece - either in a plastic bag or without a limb or two.

Putin’s Cook Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Wagner Group, is a seasoned pro. In a video likely leaked to Navalny team by the FSB who fear that the cook is gaining too much power and want to paint him as a psycho to discredit him, Prigozhin gives a memorable speech at a penal colony to the inmates.
“I am a representative of a private military company. Probably heard - PMC Wagner is called. The war is hard. It doesn’t look like any Chechen war and others. My ammunition consumption is about two and a half times more than in the Battle of Stalingrad.

“The first sin is desertion. Nobody backs down. Nobody is being taken prisoner. When you are trained, you will be told about two grenades that you must have with you [to kill yourself to avoid being taken prisoner].

“The second sin is alcohol and drugs. In the war zone - while you are with us for half a year, you are all the time in the war zone.

“And the third sin is marauding. Including sexual contact with local women. Flora, fauna, men there, with anyone.”

At the end of the speech, Prigozhin adds, “I’m taking you alive. But not always return you alive.”

Putin also fears Prigozhin becoming too independent and powerful with his private army of fighters who are not afraid to die, and ordered oligarchs to form their own PMC groups.

It should be noted that modern Russia is a gas and oil cartel controlled by one leader, sort of Russian El Chapo. All the siloviki blocks (police, army, political police, military intelligence, federal security service, etc) are subordinated to him. Once Americans do to him what they did to El Chapo, the cartel will break up into splinter groups - same what happened in Mexico.

Therefore to have a private, professional army would put a splintered group at an advantage over other groups in their war for redistribution of resources and assets.

With light weapons pouring across the border from Ukraine, soldiers of fortune will be armed and more motivated to fight oligarchs than well-equipped army in Ukraine.

In the regions, especially where ethnic Russians are a minority, a private army will defend borders from Moscow tax collectors.

Journalist Alexander Nevzorov voiced a very interesting prediction that I believe has a great likelihood of coming true.

After a prolong cartel wars, the splintered groups and regions will head to Kyiv to receive jarlig, a decree to authorise their rule. Thus, Kyiv will become the power centre of Russia and chief arbiter of its territories and its many interest groups instead of Moscow

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