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China’s virus death toll could actually be 17,000% higher than admitted in Covid cover up, claims analyst


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CHINA'S coronavirus death toll could actually be a staggering 17,000 per cent higher than admitted in a shocking cover-up, an analyst has claimed.

It's feared the country's true Covid fatality figure is around the 1.7million mark opposed to the 4,636 reported by Chinese authorities - despite having the world's strictest lockdown.

George Calhoun, director of the quantitative finance programme at Stevens Institute of Technology, has alleged the regime has likely recorded fewer deaths in a systematic data suppression in a bid to keep its political image untarnished.

The expert, who has studied data generated by a model developed by The Economist, claimed to The Epoch Times that China's official figures are "statistically impossible".

Since April 2020, when the majority of fatalities were reported in Wuhan, just two deaths have been officially recorded by authorities in Beijing - ranking China as having the fewest Covid related deaths in the world.

"That’s impossible. It’s medically impossible, it’s statistically impossible," Mr Calhoun told the outlet.

“Remember, in 2020, there was no vaccine, there was no treatment. So you had an unprotected population that has shown zero Covid deaths, even though they’ve had tens of thousands of cases.”

More than 22,000 cases of Covid were reported in mainland China in that period, according to data from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre

But based on The Economist's model, Mr Calhoun has claimed China's official death toll is off by about 17,000 per cent.

It's not the first time China has been accused of not reporting deaths.

A Chinese professor expelled from the Communist Party previously insisted the coronavirus death toll has been covered up.

Cai Xia, who taught at China’s elite Central Party School, cast doubt on President Xi Jinping and the country's coronavirus statistics.

And those living in Wuhan - the virus' original epicentre - also feared the death figures were being hidden at the start of the pandemic.

Those living in hard-hit Wuhan believed around 42,000 people had been killed by the airborne bug by March 2020 - compared to the 3,000 to 4,000 claimed by the state.

Locals pointed to the fact around 500 urns were being delivered to grieving families each day from seven funeral homes based in the massive city, in Hubei Province.

It comes as China continues to report soaring numbers of Covid cases.


The country is desperately clinging on to its "zero tolerance" strategy with 13 million people banned from going outside - but fresh infections are continuing to rise.

It ended the final week of 2021 with the largest tally of local cases for any seven-day period since conquering the country's first epidemic almost two years ago.

The National Health Commission reported 175 new community infections with confirmed symptoms on January 1, bringing the total number of local symptomatic cases in mainland China in the past week to 1,151.

The surge has been driven mostly by an outbreak in the northwestern industrial and tech hub of Xian.

It shows little sign of easing despite the city of 13 million people being plunged into lockdown with draconian restrictions.

Brutal measures include being banned from leaving home - even for essential reasons like buying food - as well as tight border controls and lengthy quarantines.

Residents are also being subjected to sweeping rounds of city-wide testing, while schools and businesses are shut down.

China has even constructed a network of massive quarantine camps where thousands face isolation in tiny metal boxes as part of the Communist Party's ruthless and overblown "Zero Covid" strategy where one case is enough to spark a crackdown.

Massive sprawling complexes of simple metal cabins have been built to house those feared to have been exposed to the virus.

China has proudly shown off these facilities in stage-managed photo ops.

But various reports have emerged of citizens reportedly being bussed to these quarantine camps - with isolations periods of up to two weeks.

Footage emerging from Chinese social media shows a dystopian vision, with people held in the tiny boxes with have just a simple wooden bed and a toilet.

Other unverified videos show men in hazmat suits dishing out food to those held inside the facilities.


Original reference article:


Think Tank Analyst
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I was already expecting this. I'm not surprised. China's most fundamental problem in the future will be this mindset.

Because China State has a habit of hiding his real data from everyone outside the "Great Wall". The problem is, the Chinese don't have access to the same data. There is no public pressure on the state bureaucracy. For this reason, the upper echelons of the state are very open to corruption. This paves the way for bloody internal revolts.

Throughout the history of China, this vicious circle has always been experienced. The most well-known example is the bloody internal rebellion during the Tang Dynasty. (


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I was already expecting this. I'm not surprised. China's most fundamental problem in the future will be this mindset.

Because China State has a habit of hiding his real data from everyone outside the "Great Wall". The problem is, the Chinese don't have access to the same data. There is no public pressure on the state bureaucracy. For this reason, the upper echelons of the state are very open to corruption. This paves the way for bloody internal revolts.

Throughout the history of China, this vicious circle has always been experienced. The most well-known example is the internal rebellion during the Tan Dynasty.

An lushan rebellion dont forget how a Chinese dude declared himself as the brother of Jesus and it led to millions dead.


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lOl, if so, people would burn their dead in every street in the open in Beijing, not New Dheli, half decomposed corpses would be floating everywhere in Yangze river, not Ganges


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Chinas official death toll is BS its much higher!!!

I was already expecting this. I'm not surprised. China's most fundamental problem in the future will be this mindset.

Because China State has a habit of hiding his real data from everyone outside the "Great Wall". The problem is, the Chinese don't have access to the same data. There is no public pressure on the state bureaucracy. For this reason, the upper echelons of the state are very open to corruption. This paves the way for bloody internal revolts.

Throughout the history of China, this vicious circle has always been experienced. The most well-known example is the bloody internal rebellion during the Tang Dynasty. (

You may see a small sampler of the sociopathy/psychosis driving this in this thread and others already. I leave to your own judgement.

If the forum was not turkish-run at large, you would see the parallel re-hash in such way on Turks too (like such have provably done and continue to do, and which I can post again if such types continue to signal a reminder for) by same kind of ill-reasoned, boorish brat.

i.e the reductive logic the totalitarian system of an issue/case/place must be the first principle logic that all else must comply with...simply by the totalitarian imposing the mandate identity (of the nation/ethnicity etc).

In the modern case it is now as long as the CCP totalitarian doesn't report it/acknowledge it (but most likely suppressed it/hid it) didnt happen (no matter the greater occams razor evidence past it). Simple as that.

But when this anti-intellectual psychosis extends well past the base-level wumao-brat (who is fairly mundane and weak mainfestation of it, disturbing as it is) to a more actionable area of say a power corridor, is when there is a sad impact on the larger Chinese population and (given the size of china) often world population.

One example of the earlier forms of wumao-brat psychosis (in the modern era) extending to actionable collective agenda items were the red guards and the struggle sessions and worse (mass murder) they employed on their own people.

Tip of an iceberg regd that stuff:

One can think of the parallel continuations of the "red guard" "struggle session" psychosis (since its totalitarian fealty driven) to this it the covid actual impact or the uighur genocide.


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In China if you are a government official and you conceal the number of deaths, you get arrested and serve prison terms

Chinese officials arrested for concealing deaths in flood disaster​


Old Codger

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Agree that China is almost certainly LYING every time they open their mouths, but our media is about as bad.

The cannot not live without the word COULD and MAY and AS MUCH AS and UP TO.


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