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Navy Asia Pacific naval arms race


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The Japanese are launching ships at a rate of two ships a year, Usually in June and November
If it's true then it'll be too slow, I expected more than that since Japan's navy expansion is reportedly having an eye to China

China Racing Ahead Of US Navy At Breakneck Speed; Building 20 Warships Per Year In 17 Shipyards – Top Official​

The US is trying to gain an edge over adversary nations like Russia and China by acquiring advanced maritime warfare abilities. The Pentagon’s intention to win this great power competition was released in a recent report titled ‘Navy Aviation Vision 2030-2035’.

This development comes at a time when concerns regarding the US Navy losing out in terms of both quantity and quality have been raised.
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Japan need not to match China's shipbuilding capacity because:

  1. Airpower and naval airpower will eventually decide the fate of the PLAN. The US+Japan alliance currently enjoys the advantage in the air.
  2. Japan is not alone when it comes to shipbuilding. The US is now building as many as 10 Arleigh Burke's in 2 shipyards with 15 more under consideration. They will complement each other in war. The constellation class FFG will be built soon (USN ordered 3 already with an option for 22 until 2030).
  3. As I've mentioned many times before, Japan and the US has the better knowledge and experience in modern warfare.
The 30FFM will serve an excellent role in the ASW and anti mine domain, much more capable in that regards than the type-054A in PLAN use in similar role.


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Japan need not to match China's shipbuilding capacity because:

  1. Airpower and naval airpower will eventually decide the fate of the PLAN. The US+Japan alliance currently enjoys the advantage in the air.
  2. Japan is not alone when it comes to shipbuilding. The US is now building as many as 10 Arleigh Burke's in 2 shipyards with 15 more under consideration. They will complement each other in war. The constellation class FFG will be built soon (USN ordered 3 already with an option for 22 until 2030).
  3. As I've mentioned many times before, Japan and the US has the better knowledge and experience in modern warfare.
The 30FFM will serve an excellent role in the ASW and anti mine domain, much more capable in that regards than the type-054A in PLAN use in similar role.
US doesn't really trust Japan and many Japanese actually hate US occupation. and if you have to count on others for protection , you've already lost the fight.


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If it's true then it'll be too slow, I expected more than that since Japan's navy expansion is reportedly having an eye to China
2 ships per year from one shipyard, there are two shipyard working on the 30FFM. Go figure
US doesn't really trust Japan and many Japanese actually hate US occupation. and if you have to count on others for protection , you've already lost the fight.
The US and Japan has a defense treaty akin to NATO. Maybe you should go figure that out

the two nations to defend each other if one or the other is attacked "in the territories under the administration of Japan."



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I know they have a treaty, what I mean is deep inside Japan is not happy being an US slave forever, it still waits for its time to shake off foreign domination and US also knows it, so they don't really fully trust each other, US actually hurt Japan's interest a lot in the past, Japan had to grin and bear it, but time will come that Japan can't take everything lying down with US.

This is at best a guessing game or a wishful thinking. Stay to the topic !

If a war were to erupt, you will face the combined might of the two. And therefore the combined fleet of USN and JMSDF.

Hence there's no realistic way or need for the Japanese to try catch up with Chinese shipbuilding. At the end of the day the combined efforts on warship building of the two will offset Chinese one.

And Japan is only one US ally in the Pacific.

It seems you tend to forget that Japan will build 2 new AEGIS destroyers, while the US is now building at least 3 Ford class CVNs, 1 America class LHA, 10 Arleigh Burke's and 6 Virginia's SSN in its own shipyards.

The US congress is recently considering a new multi-ship deal to buy up to 15 guided-missile destroyers for the Navy over the next five years.

At the current pace, Japan need not to worry much about Chinese shipbuilding. Especially when the fate of the PLAN will be decided by airpower, in which the US alliance has an abundance. There's rarely been a warship against warship battle since the Pacific war.


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This is at best a guessing game or a wishful thinking.
It's not my wishful thinking, it's Japan's. You really believe a nation like to be dominated by a foreign power forever? US is using Japan as cannon fodder against Russia, China, north Korea , 3 nuclear powers in the far east, even south Korea doesn't really get along with Japan, what will happen to Japan if US withdraws from this region? Japan needs to think for itself long term.
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