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  1. Rooxbar

    Microelectronics and Rare Earth Elements Sectors Keep in mind this is still made with DUV machines, with a sort of tinkering to reach the limits of what duvs can offer. It's not as efficient as EUV 7nm chips (and the...
  2. Rooxbar

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Thanks for the rundown. Really didn't expect Hurjet to do acrobatic shit with the first prototype, brought tears to my eyes; also saw it will be competing in Spain for their F-5 replacements. Thanks for the well wishes also. I had a chronic kind of pain in my belly for a couple of weeks but as...
  3. Rooxbar

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    yeah, thanks. Been recuperating for more than two weeks, just had to sort out lots of other stuff before getting into my routine of checking the forums daily lol.
  4. Rooxbar

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    nope S400s. They've proven to be very underwhelming indeed.
  5. Rooxbar

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    hi guys, been away for a month or even more? (lost sense of time because of a long stay in hospital). What's been going on over here? I just logged into twitter for the first time in like 40 days and my feed is completely fucked. All irrelevant stuff, posts from people I don't follow, stupid...
  6. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    that's just an ahistorical fairy tale. Back in 2014, during çözüm süreci, it was effectively akpkk (much more than it is chpkk now), and chp was fielding Ekmeleddin the arch-islamist. EVEN THEN, the akp islamist base chose akp over chp. so this story about how the akp voter doesn't vote for chp...
  7. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    I'm for banning of any separatist political party like DEM. Is it doable now having seen the ruckus because of banning one mayor? Who has created the atmosphere that such an action which was common place before 2009, is unthinkable now? If the judiciary went that route, would anyone believe that...
  8. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    Well, you're saying pretending to be democratic and having respect for rule of law is the first step in the slippery slope of giving parts of the country to the terrorist group; that happened during AKP rule not because they started off with pretending to be democratic and having respect for...
  9. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    They are doing the bare minimum to win Kurdish votes (they are just putting forward liberal arguments for rule of law, not supporting the candidate or anything or having clandestine relations with PKK unlike AKP). The onus is on AKP and the mockery of our judicial system which they purged and...
  10. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    Such incompetence. They let this horrendous guy off the hook in 2022 (after he was going for hunger strikes saying Ocalan is being treated badly in prison or some shit) so after he wins they take over because they knew they have the guy's sympathies in bright daylight and they can get popular...
  11. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    They obviously do that so they can take over after the election; if they don't allow them to run in the first place, opposition may take the municipality and you don't have the same excuses against them.
  12. Rooxbar

    TR Politics I've heard this argument a lot that "9% decrease in voter turnout from 2023 is all akp voters". If you add YRP, BBP, Hudapar to MHP and AKP votes, you get like 47.7%. If all or majority of 9% decrease in turnout was...
  13. Rooxbar

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    If it was Turkey, the Economist and Washington Post and all the rest would be stirring up a tempest in a teapot. But if it is UAE, Armenia or someone else, mum's the word.
  14. Rooxbar

    Breaking News China-US War?

    An embarrassment of riches:
  15. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    given this assumption, where would IYIP votes go to? Wouldn't they go to ZP, Memleket or even MHP, rather than CHP? What does the numbers say about this assumption then?
  16. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    The Gaza situation helped YRP massively in consolidating the discontent from economy among some AKP voters. AKP can also learn the wrong lessons here and adopt a more hardliner approach to win back those voters.
  17. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    AKP's "annihilate YRP at all costs" operation should start today. If they also attribute this result to the contractionary monetary policy and Mehmet Şimşek and change course, it will solidify the conviction that that party is filled to the brim with inept consultants.
  18. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    I'm aware of that; My arguments were mostly about CHP votes and how much they will be subject to change due to what they call collaboration with terrorism. I argue that twitter and gaming websites represent at most about 15% of the population and the isolated less socially active part of the...
  19. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    Unfortunately a lot of times when you argue with people, esp. on the internet, there's no way to show and prove that you're right and they're wrong and those who are wrong can go on thinking they're right. I argued a lot with this Z Kuşağı over their delusions about Zafer. They not only thought...
  20. Rooxbar

    TR Politics

    As I said back then, a CHP win at the time would have meant a plummeting of their vote as the inevitable post-election economic storm would be blamed on them, and AKP would be back in the seat with even more support behind them. Not winning that election might have been the best strategic move...

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