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  1. K

    TR Turkish Defense Budget | News & Discussions

    Erdoğan has announced that the value of all currently running programs in the Turkish MIC will be increased to 75 billion USD. If true this is a major boost.
  2. K

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I am not a dual citizenship holder.
  3. K

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Quite the opposite. He's closing the gap just like I predicted.
  4. K

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    You did not just compare Aliyev to Atatürk?!
  5. K

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Maybe it's just a few rather secondary (sub)systems that the Koreans source from us as part of an offset agreement? You're right, though. If this news is true the facts will surface one day anyways.
  6. K

    Casual Discussion The Meme Thread

    Nostalji yapalım
  7. K

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    The article, like 99% of all comments from the West related to the Kurdish issue in Turkiye, ignores one damn fact: There's no undivided Kurdish block of voters. Millions of Kurds vote for other parties, too. By this logic Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Whites or whatever social, ethnic, political...
  8. K

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Kazakhstan is still a Russian satellite state.
  9. K

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi
  10. K

    TR Politics

    In Germany we have entire files full of voters with Turkish surnames. Guess what? We're millions and we still can't swing elections. Don't get fooled by this propaganda. Millions of first-time-voters are going to cast their ballots. No amount of naturalisation can change the outcome. On top...
  11. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    My bad, sorry.
  12. K

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Do you think that İnce could pull out at the last minute?
  13. K

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    Well, when you have people literally standing in line for your product such advertisements and customer benefits aren't deemed as necessary...
  14. K

    TR Casual Discussion TOGG - Türkiye's Automotive Joint Venture Group

    Yes but currently there's no competition whatsoever in this particular field. I highly doubt that these prices are sustainable for any provider.
  15. K

    Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update

    She's a CTP MP and president of the women's branch of her party. She gave an interview to the publicly funded German TV channel ARD in which she made some bogus claims. Derya Doğuş to German media: - Turkey treats...

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