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  1. I_Love_F16

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    So why is the government not removing Hudapar and those other parties already ? What are they waiting for ? They perfectly know Iran is a troublemaker, yet they do nothing and prefers liking Iranian’s a** instead ?
  2. I_Love_F16

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Morocco did good, they’re protecting their country unlike us, unfortunately.
  3. I_Love_F16

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    They're fu**ing every bit of this country day by day. Poor Turkiye.
  4. I_Love_F16

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    "provided the contract is signed immediately". So it's not definitive.
  5. I_Love_F16

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    What kind of engine will they use as an interim until the TF-10000 is ready ?
  6. I_Love_F16

    TR Economy & Updates

    It has more to do with the fact that people (especially the young generation) are becoming more aware that raising childrens is more difficult when life is harder in my opinion. Why bother making children’s when life is already difficult enough for you ?
  7. I_Love_F16

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Iranian friends … He call them friends while in reality they constantly destabilize us. Iranians ain’t no our friends.
  8. I_Love_F16

    TR Politics

    PKK 2.0 I’ll tell you that. This will be really ugly.
  9. I_Love_F16

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    What makes you think that ? Proof of the pudding is in the eating. When we will successfully complete all the required testing of the TF-35000, and deliver it, then we will be able to claim that.
  10. I_Love_F16

    TR Politics

    Haha very funny coming from someone who said that ‘’Ne mutlu Türküm diyene’’ is considered racist. He literally have zero credibility.
  11. I_Love_F16

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Disgusting :sick:
  12. I_Love_F16

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Our government are scared of Iran. Iranians always play dirty with us and unfortunately we never answered back. I hope like you that this will change in the future.
  13. I_Love_F16

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    C-17 aren’t produced anymore if I’m not mistaken.
  14. I_Love_F16

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Good luck maintaining thousands of Kaan’s. Anyway, I think the initial order of 250 Kaan’s will get lowered in the coming years. But let’s wait and see.
  15. I_Love_F16

    TR Airlines & Airports

    I hope it’s not Boeing. Too much issues with them at the moment.
  16. I_Love_F16

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Post was deleted :/
  17. I_Love_F16

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    For now, France government wants to help Armenia by training them and selling them defensive equipment only. Why is France willing to spoil their relationship with Azerbaijan for Armenia ? Well, like you said there is a big Armenian diaspora in France, so this certainly plays in their favour...
  18. I_Love_F16

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    We are also exporting weapons to both Pakistan and Bangladesh, so it isn’t surprising if they do the same to Türkiye’s neighbors.
  19. I_Love_F16

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Kaan doesn’t need such missile, Gökhan will be more than enough to do the job. Also don’t forget that when you shoot your missile, you have to maintain the lock all the way to the target, at least close enough for your missile to activate it’s tiny radar and lock the target by itself, typically...
  20. I_Love_F16

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

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