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  1. Ryder

    Casual Discussion Algerian history

    Are the issues between two countries something new like in the cold war and today or has it existed for centuries?
  2. Ryder

    Waco Siege: 30 years on

    30 years have gone since this masaacre happened. Not to say the Branch of Davidians were insane but the government overstepped their boundaries which led to this bloodbath. 30 years and the scars have not healed while lots of questions have been left unanswered.
  3. Ryder

    Defence Q&A YF23 vs the YF22(F22) was Northrops plane really the better one?

    Well the debate still has not gone away. I have been doing a lot of digging around. Especially regarding the ATF program how Lockheed won with the YF22 but the on the other side many believe the YF23 was the superior plane only won due to Lockheed having more money in congress. I wonder how...
  4. Ryder

    Casual Discussion War Thunder, a national security concern?

    There has been news lately regarding classified information being leaked on war thunder forums. @Bogeyman @Mis_TR_Like @Nilgiri @Melkor @Afif @Era_shield Wanted to discuss but also the ramifications. Lots of the leaked info came from people who actually serve.
  5. Ryder

    Can Indonesia ensure its neutrality?

    Question I have been asking myself. Indonesia has been largely neutral while at the same time it has relations with both the USA and China while also arming up. Due to China's threat off its waters even violating it at times. Could Indonesia join a camp mainly on the USA's side even become...
  6. Ryder

    Turkestan discussion thread

    I was thinking of creating this for a long time. Here goes us Turkic peoples are a big family from Poland all the way to Siberia. Its good we all talk and have discussions. Im born in Australia to Turkish parents. My father side has Crimean Turk/Tatar roots while my Moms side has Bulgarian...
  7. Ryder

    Defence Q&A Do Bullpups have a future?

    This is the question a lot of people have been asking even debating. I want to ask you guys about bullpup firearms. Do they have a future?? Or is the conventional design just too better to rather look for different design configurations when it comes to firearms. France replaced their Famas...
  8. Ryder

    Two Australian soldiers attacked by a crocodile

    Man seriously them being soldiers they should have known better. These places up northern Australia are crocodile infested waters from the beaches to rivers.
  9. Ryder

    South African Unrest Thread

    Anything regarding the riots that are ripping South Africa apart due to the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma.
  10. Ryder

    TR Turkic- Military culture thread

    A thread dedicated to Turkic military history. Thread covers Pre-Islamic, Post Islamic and modern times of Turkic military history.
  11. Ryder

    The Ghaznavids from slaves to the rulers of Central Asia.

    Ghaznavids were elite slave soldiers only to become the rulers of the region. Their empire spanned from Central Asia to India.
  12. Ryder

    Sagallo, Russia's Short-Lived Cossack Colony In Africa Russia tried to take a piece of the African pie by building its first colony in what is now Djibouti but the plan failed as France dislodged the Russian colonists and the Imperial Russian Government...
  13. Ryder

    Agent Orange

    Simpilfied account of USA's most notorious chemical weapon of the Vietnam War. Today the long term effects still plague the Vietnamese people and American veterans of the Vietnam war.
  14. Ryder

    History of the Turks- Every year

    History of the Turks see how the Turks left their mark on the Eurasian World. Includes both Pre-Islamic and Post-Islamic Periods.
  15. Ryder

    Casual Discussion Motorsports and Cars

    Since there is no dedicated Motorsport thread or a thread dedicated to cars. I made one. Post whatever involving motorsport like Lemans, F1, GT racing, Wrc, nascar, V8 Supercars, DTM and other forms of motorsport. Also your rides or whatever car news can be shared here from pictures to videos...
  16. Ryder

    Casual Discussion Wildlife Thread

    Post anything regarding wildlife. Pictures, videos and documentaries can do. Here is mine. I love sharks a lot.
  17. Ryder

    Prototype/Concept Small Arms Thread

    Post anything of prototype or concept small arms. From picture to specifications. Videos will be great too. Here is mine. HK G11 Here is a video of it from Forgotten Weapons.

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