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  1. Vergennes

    France French Navy intercepts two drones fired from Houthi area in Yemen

    According to the French MoD, the frigate Languedoc intercepted two drones fired from Al Hudaydah heading towards the frigate, the first one at about 9:30 pm and the second one at 11:30 pm. No more details are given as of now.
  2. Vergennes

    France Macron projected to lose absolute majority in Parliament ; Large gains for far right

    PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron was projected to lose his absolute majority in parliament by a wide margin on Sunday, in a blow that could complicate his presidency at a time when Europe faces profound challenges prompted by the war in Ukraine...
  3. Vergennes

    France French army soldiers to field new unique camouflage by 2024

    The French army will abandon its current 3 uniforms,each one based on a specific environment (Snow,desert and forests) for a unique uniform called the "bariolage multi-environnement",which according to the defence ministry can reduce the detection times by 25%.
  4. Vergennes

    France French military receives initial batch of new ‘Serval’ armored vehicles

    STUTTGART, Germany – The French ministry of defense on Thursday received the first four new VBMR ‘Serval’ multi-role armored vehicles, the third ride to be delivered under the nation’s Scorpion program to replace its fighting vehicles. The 4x4 vehicles, built by Nexter and Texelis under a...
  5. Vergennes

    Destination Disaster: Russia’s Failure At Hostomel Airport

    Six weeks into Russia's invasion of Ukraine it can be argued that the full array of issues affecting the Russian military and its operational planning have been laid bare. Setting out to first seize Kyiv within days in order to have a strong position in negotiations with the West about the...
  6. Vergennes

    Serbia considers purchase of Rafale jets from France, president says

    BELGRADE, April 11 (Reuters) - Serbia plans to purchase Rafale multipurpose fighter jets from France, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday, which experts saw as the latest sign of Belgrade distancing itself from its traditional military supplier and ally Russia. Serbia, now a candidate to...
  7. Vergennes

    France France election: polls open with Macron and Le Pen vying closely for presidency
  8. Vergennes

    France France claims successful ASMPA nuclear missile test

    French Defense Minister Florence Parly announced that France successfully tested the modernized version of its ASMPA nuclear missile without a military payload on Wednesday. "The missile, developed by MBDA, was fired from a Rafale that took off from Cazaux Air Force Base 120 in southwestern...
  9. Vergennes

    France France raises its nuclear alert level - 3 SSBNs at sea

    Guerre en Ukraine : la France relève son niveau d'alerte nucléaire Because of the hightened crisis in Ukraine and tensions with Russia,France has raised its nuclear alert level and currently 3...
  10. Vergennes

    France French Navy conducts exercises with a Turkish frigate

    "Deployed within the French carrier strike group,the FREMM frigate Auvergne conducted joint exercises with the air defense frigate TCG Giresun. A new opportunity to strengthen cooperation between two allied navies in the eastern mediterranean". Things evolved quickly,lmao.
  11. Vergennes

    Germany Germany commits €100 billion to defense spending

    Germany has announced a plan to prioritize military spending in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. A "special fund" will be set up to better equip the Bundeswehr. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a plan to beef up the German military on Sunday, pledging €100 billion ($112.7...
  12. Vergennes

    The anti-submarine warfare capabilities of the French frigates again distinguished by the US Navy

    The French Navy's multi-mission frigates [FREMM] undoubtedly have one strong point: anti-submarine warfare [ASM], which is probably one of the most complex areas of naval combat. It presupposes having a very detailed knowledge of the seabed [topography, pressure, salinity, temperature, etc.]...
  13. Vergennes

    Rafale Contract for Egypt comes into force

    (Saint-Cloud, France, November 15, 2021) – The contract for the acquisition by Egypt of 30 additional Rafales to equip its air force came into force. Announced on 4 May, this contract completes the first acquisition of 24 Rafales, signed in 2015, and will bring to 54 the number of Rafales...
  14. Vergennes

    Zemmour seen breaking Macron-Le Pen duopoly in 2022 French election - poll

    PARIS, Oct 6 (Reuters) - The hard-right political talk-show star Eric Zemmour has gained more ground and would reach the second round runoff vote in France's presidential election next April, a Harris Interactive opinion poll showed on Wednesday. The poll is the first since Emmanuel Macron won...
  15. Vergennes

    Greece Navy Greek FDI HN frigates & Gowind class light frigates Programs

    Greece and France have reached an agreement for the supply of French FDI frigates and Gowind-class corvettes for the Hellenic Navy, Kathimerini understands. The deal, which will include a clause on mutual defense assistance, is expected to be announced Tuesday. No more details were immediately...
  16. Vergennes

    France says it has killed Islamic State leader in Greater Sahara

    Emmanuel Macron has said French military forces have killed the leader of Islamic State in the Greater Sahara, Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi, claiming “another major success” in the fight against terrorist groups in the Sahel. The French president, who recently moved to reduce French troop...
  17. Vergennes

    Trial begins for 20 defendants charged in 2015 Paris attacks that killed 130

    French Gendarmes secure the area near the Paris courthouse on the Ile de la Cite France during the arrival of a convoy carrying the defendants standing trial for the November 2015 attacks in Paris. (Christian Hartmann/Reuters) With a heavy security presence, the trial of 20 men accused in a...
  18. Vergennes

    Egypt to boost Rafale order by 100 aircrafts as its SU-35 fails to withstand Rafale's spectra electronic attacks
  19. Vergennes

    France: President Macron announces end of Sahel military operation

    French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the end of Operation Barkhane, an offensive against Islamist insurgents in West Africa's Sahel region that was launched in 2013. French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday said he was ending France's eight-year operation in the Sahel region of...
  20. Vergennes

    France suspends joint military operations with Malian forces

    France said Thursday it will suspend joint military operations with Malian forces after the country’s second coup in nine months, “awaiting guarantees” that civilians will return to positions of power. The decision comes after Mali’s military strongman Assimi Goita, who led last year’s coup...

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