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  1. Fuzuli NL

    TR First Flights of Turkish Aviation Industry

    Aircraft Manufacturer Maiden Flight Variants T129 ATAK TAI/Agusta Westland 28.09.2009 T629 (Status unknown)/ T629 Unmanned (?) ANKA TAI 30.12.2010 ANKA-B/ ANKA-I/ ANKA-S Şimşek TAI 04.08.2012 Süper Şimşek (Expected to fly soon) Hürkuş TAI 29.08.2013 Hürkuş B/...
  2. Fuzuli NL

    China China's new Wing Loong 3 drone has intercontinental range, to make first flight soon

    Exclusive: China's new Wing Loong 3 drone has intercontinental range, to make first flight soon By Liu Xuanzun and Fan Wei in Zhuhai Published: Nov 10, 2022 03:27 PM Updated: Nov 10, 2022 03:22 PM The Wing Loong 3...
  3. Fuzuli NL

    After Norway, Sweden to Axe Its NH90 Fleet.

    Sweden to axe NH90 fleet under revised defence equipment plan By Dominic Perry1 November 2022 Sweden plans to join near neighbour Norway in ditching the NH Industries NH90 helicopter under new defence equipment and spending plans. Revealed on...
  4. Fuzuli NL

    Defence Fair 30th International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO
  5. Fuzuli NL

    Casual Discussion Origins of Japanese and Turkish language family traced back 9000 years

    Millet farmers living 9000 years ago in what is now north-east China may have spoken a proto-Transeurasian language that gave rise to Japanese, Turkish and other modern tongues A woman carrying millet, a crop whose cultivation prompted the spread of the proto-Transeurasian language Frank...
  6. Fuzuli NL

    Air-Force Global Hawk Drones To Be Retired In Favor Of Secretive Penetrating Spy Aircraft

    Global Hawk Drones To Be Retired In Favor Of Secretive Penetrating Spy Aircraft The Global Hawks cannot survive in highly contested airspace, so the Air Force is doubling down on surveillance assets that can. By Joseph Trevithick May 7, 2021...
  7. Fuzuli NL

    Air-Force Amazing A-10 Warthog performance video

    Just look at this marvellous machine!
  8. Fuzuli NL

    News 2 Chinese military turboprops intrude into Taiwan’s ADIZ
  9. Fuzuli NL

    Boeing Loyal Wingman Drone Makes First Flight / Australia Places Another Order. Boeing tests automated 'Loyal Wingman' jet in 1st flight The pilotless "Loyal Wingman" flew over the Australian desert displaying potential for new approaches to military strategy. Several countries are...
  10. Fuzuli NL

    Israel's suicide drone sales to China puts Tel Aviv in awkward bind with US The arrests come at a bad time for Israel, with the US increasingly hawkish on China and the fourth early elections in two years to be held for the Israeli premiership at the end...
  11. Fuzuli NL

    PKK Terrorist Responsible for "Wild Fires" in Turkey Gets A MIT Treatment

    Code Name: Demhat Sperti (Now coal)
  12. Fuzuli NL

    Air-Force Iraq Regrets Buying These Underpowered F-16s From America: Why The Fighters Do Little For The Country’s Defence

    Despite having a sizeable defence budget of over $10 billion, the Iraqi Air Force’s fighter fleet is considered by far the weakest for a country with military expenditures in this range and the least capable in the entire Middle Eastern region. The fleet is currently comprised two fighter...
  13. Fuzuli NL

    Turkish Military Presence.

  14. Fuzuli NL

    Analysis Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Shows Chinese Military Needs Better Counter-strategy: Report

    13th December, 2020 18:07 IST Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Shows Chinese Military Needs Better Counter-strategy: Report Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a reminder to the Chinese military that they need to carefully consider counter-strategy as wars will be different from the past Written By...
  15. Fuzuli NL

    Air-Force Most Interesting Turkish AF Patches

    By Tolga Özbek (ex KokpitAero)

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