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    Live Conflict Iran Protests

    The officers of the Iranian regime couldnt stand against will of the people and fled...
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    Senator Menendez's visit to the port of Alexandroupolis

    US Senator and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Robert Menen, paid a visit to Wednesday. The unofficial visit was made to be informed of the current developments and the military activity that was developing.
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    Another 80 km of fence will be built in Evros

    The fence in Evros will be expanded by about 80 kilometers, said the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, South Mitarakis, in an interview. “ Greece cannot be a clear vineyard. And because Turkey is not a warring country, those people who come to our country come because they want to have a...
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    Where are we going; – Out of control the debt: Almost 400 billion or 190% on GDP

    An unprecedented collapse much worse than in the years 2009-2010 which was used as an occasion for the assignment of. A collapse that raises questions about ’ this very existence and continuity of the Greek state. Debt is in absolute numbers increased by 20%, on GDP it is increased by 80% (...
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    Turkish drillship to begin hydrocarbon exploration in Mediterranean

    Türkiye's Abdulhamid Han drillship will set off from the port city of Mersin to begin hydrocarbon exploration in the Mediterranean Sea, the country's energy minister said Tuesday. "We will send this ship off to its first mission from Mersin on Aug. 9," Fatih Donmez said in a televised...
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    Greece Calls on Germany to Halt Attack Submarine Sale to Hostile Turkey

    The Greek government has called on Germany to halt the sale of attack submarines to Turkey, arguing that the sale could upset the naval balance of power in the region as tensions with the Islamist-led country remain high. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias spoke out about the issue following...
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    Iraq Army sent to capital to protect Sadr movement against Iranian backed terrorist attacks

    Iraq's capital, Baghdad, army& police units are sent to the region in order to protect the people of the Sadr Movement in the Green Zone, where government buildings & foreign mission representations are located, in order to protect them from Iran backed militia attacks
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    Iranian backed Terrorists Attack on Turkish Consulate in Mosul

    “On this occasion, we once again reiterate our call to the Iraqi authorities to focus on the fight against terrorism and to put an end to terrorist presence on their territory which poses a threat to neighboring countries and diplomatic missions.”

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