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  1. GoatsMilk

    Why Are Muslim Countries Poorer?

    Interesting video. One of the more interesting points is how Turkeys literacy in 1960's was at the level that the Netherlands was in 1650's. Got to thank Ataturk, if were able to make 5th gen fighter jets today, its thanks to Ataturks republic. We are just reaching literacy rates of Western...
  2. GoatsMilk

    India India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) Thread

    EDIT: Mod news Reference: ==================================================== I had no idea about any of this, but its typical erdogan...
  3. GoatsMilk

    Egypt's Currency Crisis!

    i knew it was bad i didnt realise it was this bad.
  4. GoatsMilk

    Casual Discussion Turkish refugee issue?

    Can anyone help me by listing the various refugees that Turkey has taken in over the past 1000 years? For example I'm aware of say the Crimean tartars, or the Circassians or even the Jews in the 15th century. Does anyone have a comprehensive list detailing all the refugee migrations that made...
  5. GoatsMilk

    The Turks: The Medieval World’s Most Martial People
  6. GoatsMilk

    Huawei patent mentions use of Uighur-spotting tech
  7. GoatsMilk

    Beyond the Propaganda: Is China Free?

  8. GoatsMilk

    Did Huawei ever invent anything?

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