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Recent content by Domobran7

  1. Domobran7

    India HAL Tejas Program

    What type? Anything specific on it?
  2. Domobran7

    Operation Flash 1995

    I basically spent all my free time recently writing this, in case you wonder at my utter inactivity... Prelude Serb rebellion against Croatia had been stoked by Belgrade in support of its own expansionist plans...
  3. Domobran7

    Casual Discussion The Meme Thread

  4. Domobran7

    Casual Discussion Music

  5. Domobran7

    War is a Consequence of Intelligence

    Not all animals wage wars, as war requires organized groups, which is not something all animals have. Same thing, I believe, except in the natural environment the prey will run away so by the time fox has killed something, everything else will be out of range. But if a predator finds a group of...
  6. Domobran7

    War is a Consequence of Intelligence

    1. Morality must necessarily give way to survival. If it doesn't, you don't survive and don't pass on your genes or upbringing, meaning that your behaviorial patterns evaporate. 2. Many predators may develop bloodlust. A fox in a chicken coop will kill every last chicken, even if it cannot eat...
  7. Domobran7

    TR Naval Programs

    That forward-facing gun looks really cramped in its alcove. Can it even raise barrel sufficiently to protect against forward-sector missiles that aren't sea-skimming?
  8. Domobran7

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I had been following their media for a long time. It is undeniable that West hates nationalism. As for Putin:
  9. Domobran7

    Arab Military & Culture

    I think this is the best article on the topic I've ever read:
  10. Domobran7

    Historical Pacific War series Original Japanese plan had been fulfilled, and Japan was now in a solid position. It had rich sources of raw materials and numerous important strategic positions, strewn all across the...
  11. Domobran7

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Something I wrote:
  12. Domobran7

    War is a Consequence of Intelligence

    Actually, they do. Animals will murder for many things: competition for territory, competition for mates... but also just fun or bloodthirst. And more intelligent animal is, more creative it becomes.
  13. Domobran7

    Russia Missile and Air Defence programs

    So, what advantage do reverse launched missiles offer? To me, it seems that it would merely reduce the missile's range. Unless the aim is to take out SAMs that are trying to ambush aircraft after it had tried to leave.
  14. Domobran7

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I would be wary of such statistics, as enemy losses are almost always overstated. It is not even propaganda, necessarily, but a vehicle can be set ablaze or a soldier drop without actually being taken out of commission. EDIT: Anyway, I do not think I had posted this before. Quite an important...
  15. Domobran7

    Historical Pacific War series During February 1942., a request for volunteers was passed through all of the USAAF’s bomber squadrons. From a large number of volunteers, around a hundred ended up being chosen and sent to an air base in...

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