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  1. CAN_TR

    TR Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Equipment of our Marines is improving, they really have everything a modern Infantry unit needs. The budget managment of the Navy is top notch.
  2. CAN_TR

    TR Politics

    CHP plays with the peoples loyality to Atatürks principles... AKP plays with peoples conservative religious feelings... MHP with Nationalist feelings... They are doing that for decades, and when they formed the Goverment or were involved they did nothing, therefore those are the real populists...
  3. CAN_TR

    TR Politics

    How are they thugs? Country is full of illegal refugees and our so called Nationalist Party is not only silent but also supporting those who filled the country with 3rd world trash.
  4. CAN_TR

    TR Air Defence Programs

    30x113mm has a pathetic muzzle velocity, good against land targets but not suitable for CIWS.
  5. CAN_TR

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Gökdeniz is comparable to Rheinmetall Millenium (35mm) and if you look at them you will clearly see that Gökdeniz is the more compact one, the 30x173mm (SeaSnake) you are talking about is not even a CIWS but a RCWS. 30x173mm vs 30x113mm This should prove that 30x113mm is not suitable for...
  6. CAN_TR

    TR Propulsion Systems

    You still bleed energy when you do manuevers even though you aren't reducing thrust, that's aerodynamics. TVC doesn't mean that you keep airspeed during manuevers it just gives you the extra capability to further tighten your turning radius by redirecting engine thrust, you still need your...
  7. CAN_TR

    TR Propulsion Systems

    The F-22's nozzle was mainly developed to decrease IR signature (better stealth), maneuverability was not their main priority, while Chinese/Russian 3D TVC is sacrificing stealth for maneuverability.
  8. CAN_TR

    Personal concepts - Sea

    Pretty overkill for Ada-class. Behind the 76mm gun, Gökdeniz would suit pretty well, maybe even enough space for 8 MIDLAS. Switching RAM with Roketsan Levent. Additional two STAMP or UMTAS launcher. If 8 VLS are not possible then HISAR launchers. Eventually MAR-D, AKR-D, Aselsan DÜFAS
  9. CAN_TR

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Yeah looks pretty much like METE
  10. CAN_TR

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Such statements just confuse the people, raise the expectations and put pressure on the engineers/technicians working on those projects. Sometimes, speech is silver and silence gold.
  11. CAN_TR

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    When there are talks about the Eurofighter Typhoon and now interest for more A400M let's add couple A330MRTT to complete the bundle. Note: As far as i remember there were plans that ASFAT on behalf of MSB will pick 7 Airbus A330-200 with the lowest flight hours from THY's inventory and turn...
  12. CAN_TR

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    I don't think that the Air Force or the Army will consider armed Hürkus-2 for counter-terrorist operations, maybe the Gendarmerie. Even for faster low-cost CAS i would prefer Akinci and Kizilelma/Anka3. If the Police get's Hürkus-C then it wouldn't surprise me when they will demand KAAN in the...
  13. CAN_TR

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    If we can achieve 250 KAAN and develop a proper loyal wingman later which incoperates artificial intelligence, then there is no need for +400 manned aircrafts. The Navy however will demand something more advanced than "just" Naval Hürjet, if that's possible.
  14. CAN_TR

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Isn't it a bit hypocritical when unemployed punks protest for the rights of working people? Not to mention all the PKK/YPG flags i saw today while stuck in the traffic jam caused by the May 1st "demonstrations".
  15. CAN_TR

    TR Special Operations Forces and Tactical Response Teams

    The Commando Brigades didn't needed the quantity, the focus should have been to increase the quality in training and equipment of the already existing Commando Brigades. A soldier from the 19th Commando Brigade (Balikesir) is not equal in standard of training and experience to a soldier from the...

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