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  1. Baba Yaga

    Analysis Why do Russian Armed Forces commit missile strikes both on civilians AND critical infrastructure at the same time?

    Huh, yeah, that makes sense. Yet still, I believe there are more suitable objects to attack, if one wants to bring fear and terror: hospitals (since you can't quickly transport patients to shelter), kindergartens, schools, factories that produce medicines and drugs, factories that contain highly...
  2. Baba Yaga

    Analysis Why do Russian Armed Forces commit missile strikes both on civilians AND critical infrastructure at the same time?

    Thanks for the answer!. Honestly, looking at Russia's arsenal and list of currently equipped weaponry, it's hard to believe that you can have a 100m miss even with an old rusty Soviet ballistic missile. At least, Wiki for Iskander says it's 5-7m accuracy. For S-300 wiki doesn't mention its...
  3. Baba Yaga

    Analysis Why do Russian Armed Forces commit missile strikes both on civilians AND critical infrastructure at the same time?

    Thanks for the answer, AlphaMike, appreciate it. But I have the same question to you, as to Ryder (the first answer in this thread) - why hit a subtle bridge in Kyiv, when you have more handy places where you can terror more people, like squares, or crowded subway entrances? And why hit Kyiv, if...
  4. Baba Yaga

    Analysis Why do Russian Armed Forces commit missile strikes both on civilians AND critical infrastructure at the same time?

    Thanks for the answer. However, another question arose: if you say that these strikes intended to decrease the morale of Ukraine, then why not hit a city that has weaker defense, or is closer to the Russian border, thus, more vulnerable to missiles - for example Kharkiv, or Zaporizhia? And why...
  5. Baba Yaga

    Analysis Why do Russian Armed Forces commit missile strikes both on civilians AND critical infrastructure at the same time?

    Recently, as you might have seen on news, Russia brought a missile attack on the entire area of Ukraine. Almost half of the missiles reached land unharmed, but among those that did, there were missiles that hit "targets", that bring a lot of suspicion regarding the competence of the Russian...

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