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Modi Govt Must Pay Heed As US ‘Hyphenates’ India & Pakistan


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I chuckled at the 8:1 comparison between India and Pakistan by the Indian FM.


US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman’s visit to the sub-continent beginning today is an embarrassing setback for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government as the trip by America’s second-highest ranking diplomat clubs India with Pakistan, putting them in the same league.

New Delhi loves to call Pakistan a “failed state”, but Washington clearly disagrees and feels the necessity of counselling both countries — whose bilateral equation has plunged to its worst-ever since the Kargil war — behind closed doors on their soil. The Biden Administration has re-hyphenated Pakistan and India, instead of treating India independently and separately, leaving New Delhi squirming.

Bracketing India with Pakistan, Sherman will go to Mumbai tomorrow before flying to Islamabad to enjoy the fabled Pakistani hospitality on October 8 and 9. New Delhi abhors world leaders and high-ranking officials travelling directly from India to Pakistan, but that’s exactly what Sherman will do, causing India immense pain.

On an Equal Footing​

Exactly a month ago, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief, William J Burns, held secret talks with the powerful Ajit Doval-headed security establishment in New Delhi, from where he flew to Islamabad for meetings with Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) head Lt General Faiz Hamid.

Washington is increasingly talking of India and Pakistan in the same breath, refusing to buy External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar argument: “How do you hyphenate a country, which is one-eighth of your economic size … which is reputationally your exact opposite … with us?”
It is immaterial whether Sherman chooses to discuss Kashmir, Afghanistan, China, COVID-19, vaccines or climate change. The unmistakable message is that the US is going to engage with India and Pakistan on an equal footing – and New Delhi must disabuse itself of notions of India’s superiority over Pakistan articulated in Jaishankar’s rhetoric. India will get no preferential or special treatment.

Also Read: India-Pakistan Relations: Can Gen Bajwa Finally Herald a New Era?

Importantly, the Modi government was even more distressed when Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently flew to Islamabad from New Delhi, demonstrating Moscow’s intention to party with Pakistan whether India likes it or not. India expects Russia to be mindful of its sensitivities as it imports so many weapons, but Russia clearly believes in arm-twisting buyers rather than mollycoddling them.

India is No US Favourite​

Just because Biden lets Modi into the White House while Imran Khan hasn’t even received a telephone call, let’s not presume that we are the apple of US eyes. The biggest reason for Modi’s entry into the White House is that the world’s most powerful leader is also a salesman of the US arms and energy industries. Another reason for nominally indulging Modi is that he has assigned India a small, symbolic role in countering China.

Also Read: India Must Allow Pakistan to Save Face: Real Meaning of Moeed's Tirade

India couldn’t stop bragging about its defence partnership with the US and bagging a key role in the US’s Hawaii-headquartered Indo-Pacific Command through the QUAD. But New Delhi has been jolted out of its stupor by the recently formed Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) defence pact to provide nuclear submarines to Australia.

India had been hankering after nuclear propulsion submarine technology for decades, but was fobbed off by successive US regimes.

What the US mercilessly denied India has been suddenly given to Australia on a platter, creating a caste hierarchy in the QUAD, with India right at the bottom.
The US and Australia now comprise the QUAD’s white “A” team. Japan is not bothered as its defence and security is anyway guaranteed by the US. India is now an outlier, or, to be blunt, an ‘outcaste’ in the QUAD that our diplomatic establishment raved about.

US Wants India & Pak to Normalise Relations​

There are many reasons for the US re-grading India. The Left progressive section of the Democratic Party has very serious misgivings about the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), particularly Modi. India’s advice to ousted Afghan President Ashraf Gani not to abdicate also angered Washington. India also did not act on persistent US advice to start talking to the Taliban. India torpedoed the prospects of a Taliban-headed interim government in Kabul, which would have facilitated an orderly US withdrawal. The US also holds India’s protectionist tariff and customs responsible for their failure to clinch a trade deal.

But America’s biggest grouse is New Delhi’s refusal to normalise relations with Pakistan so that Islamabad can fully focus on implementing Washington’s post-withdrawal strategies in Afghanistan.
According to the US, the successful eight-month-long ceasefire at the India-Pakistan frontier is the perfect launchpad for peace talks, but New Delhi is not holding out an olive branch to Pakistan. India and Pakistan have recalled their High Commissioners, the strength of their embassies has been reduced by 50 per cent, and the nuclear-armed neighbours are not on talking terms.

Regardless of Sherman’s publicised engagements in both nations, her main goal is to convince Khan and Modi, or their representatives, to sit across the table as soon as possible.

Also Read: Peace With India Doesn’t Suit Pak Army. Why Does Imran Want Truce?

The just-released paper – “India’s path to power: strategy in a world adrift” – by New Delhi’s Centre for Policy Research hits the nail on the head by declaring that India’s “foreign policy is being driven by domestic political and ideological factors that are having a perverse impact on relations with Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh”. India can kickstart its re-engagement with Pakistan by allowing it to host the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit that the Modi government has been stonewalling since 2016.

(SNM Abdi is a distinguished journalist and ex-Deputy Editor of Outlook. This is an opinion piece, and the views expressed are the author’s own. The Quint neither endorses nor is responsible for them.)


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Interesting opinion piece. Let Biden hyphenate or dehyphenate - fact is Pak is not in the same league as India economically, militarily or strategically. Even France feels shortchanged by the Oz-US submarine deal. That's fine - will all be ironed out.
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Interesting comments here. Looks like it certainly grabbed attention. I chuckled for this reason - Indian FM must have read my posts.

India population v Pakistan.png


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Sure whatever....


Your words, not ours.

Maybe PMIK can send a tweet with this song while he waiting for the call:

Maybe wait till 2022?...or?



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Sure whatever....


Your words, not ours.

Maybe PMIK can send a tweet with this song while he waiting for the call:

Maybe wait till 2022?...or?


What can I say here except maybe I told you so. :D

(Never mind the irony of begging for attention while calling WH Advisors as having "immature understanding" at the same time. I could on, but why bother?)


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Sure whatever....


Your words, not ours.

Maybe PMIK can send a tweet with this song while he waiting for the call:

Maybe wait till 2022?...or?


What can I say here except maybe I told you so. :D

(Never mind the irony of begging for attention while calling WH Advisors as having "immature understanding" at the same time. I could on, but why bother?)

Modi just met Harris & Biden. I would think the junior state officer is coming to India first to strategize and discuss how to deal with Pak on the visit there. Where India will probably tell them to insist Pak doesn't recognize Taliban and give Americans airspace if not airbases to carry out ops against terrorists in Afghanistan.


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Modi just met Harris & Biden. I would think the junior state officer is coming to India first to strategize and discuss how to deal with Pak on the visit there. Where India will probably tell them to insist Pak doesn't recognize Taliban and give Americans airspace if not airbases to carry out ops against terrorists in Afghanistan.

I would prefer to wait and see what is decided and how those decisions are implemented. It will become clearer over the next few months.


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US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman Thursday said Washington has “no interest” in going back to the days hyphenating India and Pakistan, and that her trip to Islamabad is only for “specific and narrow purpose”.

Sherman, who was speaking at an event in Mumbai during the last day of her two-day visit to India, also said her Pakistan visit is for a “particular set of reasons” and is not meant to once again rebuild a broader relationship with the country.

Meanwhile, Pakistan milestablishment -



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US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman Thursday said Washington has “no interest” in going back to the days hyphenating India and Pakistan, and that her trip to Islamabad is only for “specific and narrow purpose”.

Sherman, who was speaking at an event in Mumbai during the last day of her two-day visit to India, also said her Pakistan visit is for a “particular set of reasons” and is not meant to once again rebuild a broader relationship with the country.

Meanwhile, Pakistan milestablishment -

The assigned protocol of both countries (to who meets her rank wise) were fairly explanatory too...FM...COAS, all and sundry except PMIK himself.

As a jew, Mrs. Sherman should ask that one guy (full fledged FM, not a deputy like her) about his anti-semitic remark on international TV too.

Overall though, it is getting kind of lame, the "gotcha backnforth" attention being given to this stuff.

More Indian's themselves need to prove their own de-hyphenation from Pakistan, especially its elitist-cabal.

There is still too much Pak-obsession in Indian media and journalism. Maybe reflective of the upper crusts over-fascination with the upper-crust over there.

I got bored of Jaishankar quickly now...and this "8 times" thing is just another predictable boring thing he said, that is better left unsaid if you ask me.

It was a silly number to choose to begin with.


This recent quarter our merchandise exports surpassed 100 billion USD for the first time.
When combined with services, the total quarter export would be 150 billion USD.

This number will quickly reach 200 billion per quarter as the covid year did not dampen investment much.

FDI was 80+ billion and total investment was around 1 trillion USD in the most recent completed (covid) year.

Market cap is now 3.5 trillion USD....increasing by 1.5 trillion from the covid year's lowest point.

India's forex reserves stand at about 640 billion USD.

India had about 7000 patents granted in foreign countries in the latest year.

These are all (except for total investment) direct vetted numbers the rest of the world can confirm (unlike a GDP calculation which may be inflated/deflated in its various estimates)

Pakistan would literally kill right now to have a "Jaishankar ratio" i.e an eighth of these figures respectively:

- 18 billion USD exports per quarter or about 72 billion USD per year
- 10 billion FDI per year
- 125 billion USD total investment per year
- Market cap of 440 billion USD
- Forex reserves of 80 billion USD
- 900 patents granted internationally per year

I will not go into what % of these Pakistan (due largely to its "elite") actually accomplishes now...i.e nowhere near the jaishankar ratio (their "elite" would be so happy if it were so and rest far easier).

The far more important question than the what (past it being pathetic), is the why.

Especially since these "1/8th of India's 2020 snapshot" numbers above will not be realised by Pakistan even by 2030 (and it can be demonstrated quite easily and confidently)...and quite possibly wont be realised by 2040 and beyond too.

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